Atoms Welcome Volunteer Fireman, Mr. Hudson

Atoms welcome volunteer fireman, Mr. Hudson, who shared with them information about fire safety

Tuesday, October 22, 2019Elementary Atoms didn’t start the fire, but they certainly learned all about the importance of fire safety. Ms. Peryea’s second grade class welcomed volunteer fireman with over 50 years of experience, Mr. Hudson. He shared with the Atoms his knowledge and advice on what they can do if they ever find themselves in this type of situation.

  • Create a game plan. This includes talking with your family and discussing an exit plan and meeting spot so everyone knows where to go in case of an emergency.
  • Practice your Stop, Drop and Roll.
  • How can you bring yourself to safety if you were in a second story fire and your doorknob is hot.

Thank you Mr. Hudson for sharing this helpful fire safety information with the students.


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4837 S. Salina St. Syracuse, NY 13205
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