6th Graders visit Enterprise America
On Tuesday, May 16th, 2017, the 6th grade students of the SAS Middle School took a trip to the WCNY building on Fayette Street in Syracuse. While there, they participated in an amazing program called Enterprise America.
This is an excerpt from WCNY’s website: Students apply the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and financial and civic literacy skills they have learned to run the city’s 14 businesses and City Hall, becoming business entrepreneurs and employees, consumers and citizens. They enact laws, elect a mayor and judge and enroll in a health insurance program. The business owners negotiate loans at the bank, while their employees get busy manufacturing products and pricing services including webpage design. Business accountants prepare invoices and pay bills. Journalists and photographers write stories and take photos for the city’s online newspaper. Utility company staff explain benefits of alternative energy options to business owners. Students exercise their civic duties by casting votes on city issues on a real voting machine and learn how to manage their money and time.
Students were eager to participate in this endeavor. Several businesses turned a profit in our time at the city. This was our 3rd year attending this program and truly hallmarks our commitment to preparing our students for participation in a 21st century world!