Parent/Staff/Public Complaints and Grievances Policy

The Board of Trustees of the school takes seriously complaints or grievances from any member of the public, parent, guardian, or person in parental relation, or employee. It is also mindful, however, that many disputes are best resolved at the lowest possible level. Accordingly, the Board provides the following process relative to public or parent, guardian, or person in parental relation complaints and/or School employee grievances. To the extent a complaint or grievance is submitted without prior compliance with the procedures set forth below, the recipient of the complaint or grievance shall provide a copy of this Policy to the complainant and direct that person to submit his or her complaint or grievance consistent with this Policy.

All complaints and grievances shall be submitted to the appropriate person, as identified in this Policy, only in writing. The Board expects that a person will comply with the procedures stated below, in the below-stated sequence, prior to filing a written complaint with the Board.

A. Level I

In keeping with the above-stated guidance, complaints or grievances should first be discussed with the teacher of a parent, guardian, or person in parental relation’s child or the immediate supervisor of a School employee.

1. Parental Complaints. If a student’s classroom teacher has the authority to resolve a complaint or problem, the parent, guardian, or person in parental relation shall first raise and discuss the complaint with the classroom teacher, either by:

  • a telephone conference or an e-mail;
  • or a conference between the teacher and the parent, guardian, or person in parental relation, which the parent, guardian, or person in parental relation shall request with the teacher.

2. Staff Complaint. A School employee shall describe and specify the basis for a complaint with his or her immediate supervisor in writing. Thereafter, the immediate supervisor and employee shall meet to discuss the complaint and work in good faith toward a satisfactory resolution.

B. Level II

If a person has complied with the process for Level I and is dissatisfied with the results of that process, he or she may pursue the complaint using the Level II process.

1. Parental Complaints. If a parent, guardian, or person in parental relation has first spoken with his or her child’s classroom teacher and attempted in good faith to resolve the problem, but remains dissatisfied, the parent, guardian, or person in parental relation may contact:

  • The Dean of School or his or her designee concerning any academic or teacher-related complaint; or the Dean of Students concerning any discipline-related complaint.
  • The Dean of School will keep a record of each Level II complaint, including the nature of the complaint, the complaining party, and a description of the steps taken to resolve the complaint.

2. Staff Complaints. A School employee who has complied with the procedures for Level I complaints and is dissatisfied with the results of that process may forward his or her complaint in writing to the Operations Manager and HR department. The Operations Manager shall consider the complaint and, within seven (7) days of its receipt, either respond to the employee in writing or meet with the employee regarding the complaint. If the Operations Manager meets with the employee in lieu of providing a written response, the Operations Manager shall respond to the employee’s complaint in writing within seven (7) days after that meeting.

C. Level III

A person who has complied with the Level II process and remains dissatisfied may proceed with the following procedures under Level III:

1. Parental Complaints. If the parent, guardian, or person in parental relation is dissatisfied with the response of the Dean of School or Dean of Students to his or her complaint, the parent, guardian, or person in parental relation may state his or her complaint in writing to the Superintendent. The written complaint to the Superintendent shall comply with the following:

  • Be signed by the parent, guardian, or person in parental relation filing the complaint;
  • Specifically state the nature of the complaint, including any School rule, guideline, law, or regulation that the parent, guardian, or person in parental relation claims to have been violated, and all relevant facts and circumstances surrounding the complaint;
  • Contain sufficient information and/or evidence to support the complaint; and
  • Specify how the parent, guardian, or person in parental relation would like the complaint resolved.

2. Staff Complaints. An employee who has completed the procedures stated in Level II and who remains dissatisfied with the results of that process may forward his or her complaint in writing to the Superintendent and HR department. The Superintendent shall consider the complaint and, within seven (7) days of its receipt, either respond to the employee in writing or meet with the employee regarding the complaint. If the Superintendent meets with the employee in lieu of providing a written response, the Superintendent shall respond to the employee’s complaint in writing within seven (7) days after that meeting.

D. Level IV

A person who has completed the procedures of Levels I through III but remains dissatisfied with the responses provided during those procedures may submit his or her complaint in writing to the Board and HR department. Any such written complaint shall contain the elements stated in Level II. The Board will not accept any complaint if the complainant has not been provided the Superintendent with at least seven (7) school days in which to respond to the complaint.

The Board will discuss any properly-submitted complaint at its next scheduled meeting, in Executive Session when appropriate, and shall provide the Superintendent with guidance regarding any further response concerning the complaint. The Board will advise the complainant of its decision within thirty (30) days of its receipt of a properly submitted complaint.


Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School is part of Science Academies of New York.

SAS Elementary School

4837 S. Salina St. Syracuse, NY 13205
Phone: 315-469-9404
Fax: 315-469-9408

SAS Middle School

200 West High Ter. Syracuse, NY 13219
Phone: 315-487-5986
Fax: 315-487-5824

SAS High School

1001 Park Ave. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-428-8997
Fax: 315-428-9109


1409 W Genesee St. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-671-5470
Fax: 315-671-5475


For transportation related questions, please call transportation department in the district you live.
SCSD Transportation: 315-435-4260