First Grade

Welcome to First Grade! We work rigorously on the four essential education components, including Common Core English Language Arts (ELA), Common Core Math, Science, and Social Studies. 

In first grade, we have five rules that we follow in our classrooms. They include: Keeping our hands to ourselves, Being kind and polite to all, remembering to raise our polite hands, always handling problems calmly, and having fun while being safe! 

In English Language Arts, there is a strong emphasis on developing reading strategies, such as chunking, blending, fluent reading, and reading with expression. First graders work on the importance of parts of a story, such as the setting, main idea, characters, and plot. Additionally, first graders analyze a variety of texts to create an understanding of how different pieces relate to one another. They also begin to work on finding spelling patterns while becoming familiar with blends and digraphs. 

In math, students make sense of problems and persevere in solving them! They work on adding and subtracting within 100 and becoming fluent in adding or subtracting ten from any number.  Additionally, students will understand that a 2-digit number represents a certain number of tens and ones.  First graders learn to distinguish shapes based on attributes and how to create new shapes from the composite shape. Lastly, in first grade, students learn about money and time. 

During social studies, students focus intensely on character traits and becoming positive, well-mannered citizens within our community. They have numerous opportunities to work with peers and further develop their social skills.

During science, students focus on inquiry and observations. They learn about these two ideas through various topics, including technology, animals, plants, habitats, weather, and energy. Students are developing into inquisitive scientists within our classrooms!

Throughout the year, students have different specials during the day, including Physical Education, Music, and Art. There are multiple opportunities for field trips throughout the school year at our school! The first-grade team plans one per month!


Physical Education: Physical education is an essential part of any K-4 curriculum. Our students are exposed to various activities and games that will help promote lifelong physical activity. They are also taught how to display good sportsmanship. In our K-4 physical education program, there is an emphasis placed on effort and attitude rather than winning and losing. K-2 students are exposed to basic motor skills and skills needed to play different activities. 3rd and 4th graders are taught more complex skills emphasizing teamwork, cooperation, and communication. 

Art: The Syracuse Academy of Science Elementary visual arts curriculum helps students understand how media, technique, and process are used to create works of art and how artworks are structured. Each project aims to introduce students to the essential elements of art. Each project discovers: how to identify, analyze, and select subject matter, how symbols are used for personal and cultural expression, and how historical and cultural contexts provide meaning for works of art.

Coding: The Syracuse Academy of Science Elementary School focuses on essential computer control, fine motor skills, pattern recognition, and single and multi-step thinking processes. The goal of each problem they are to solve furthers these skills in a progressive, easy-to-solve manner. As these skills improve, they are related to everyday uses.

Support Services:

Special Education: Special Education is not a place. It is a service. The goal is to provide all students with a disability the services necessary for success in the least restrictive classroom environment. Special Education teachers provide accommodations and modifications to the grade-level curriculum to help all students be successful. Special Education Teachers push into classrooms to provide services. They also pull students out for resource groups that target specific skills and behaviors. 

ENL - English as a New Language Program: The goal of the English as a New Language Program is to ensure English Language Learners acquire and develop English proficiency through a rigorous curriculum, research-based teaching strategies, and social/emotional support. The languages and cultures of ELLs are respected and valued while learning about and becoming part of American culture.

Title 1 Reading and Math Intervention: The reading and math intervention team consists of specialized teachers in literacy and mathematics. They provide academic support for all classrooms in the school. This may include both small-group instruction and additional integrated instruction. Syracuse Academy of Science Elementary uses Accelerated Math, Leveled Literacy Intervention Program, and STAR assessments to help fill in student gaps.  Our goal is to challenge students to overcome their learning obstacles and help them feel empowered and capable in their education.

First Grade Supply List

➡ Please click here for the supply list


Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School is part of Science Academies of New York.

SAS Elementary School

4837 S. Salina St. Syracuse, NY 13205
Phone: 315-469-9404
Fax: 315-469-9408

SAS Middle School

200 West High Ter. Syracuse, NY 13219
Phone: 315-487-5986
Fax: 315-487-5824

SAS High School

1001 Park Ave. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-428-8997
Fax: 315-428-9109


1409 W Genesee St. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-671-5470
Fax: 315-671-5475


For transportation related questions, please call transportation department in the district you live.
SCSD Transportation: 315-435-4260