7th Grade Moving Up Ceremony at the Middle School
On Thursday, June 22nd, 2017, Syracuse Academy of Science Middle School held our moving up ceremony for 7th grade students moving on to 8th grade. Our Middle School Dean Mr. Yavuz spoke to the students, parents, and families, encouraging students to pursue their dreams and never give up. Following Mr. Yavuz's words, the teachers voted for superlative awards for each student, ranging from 'most likely to be a fashion designer' to 'most likely to become a Jedi.' These awards were presented to each student along with their Certificate of Completion for finishing their 7th grade studies. Many laughs and cheers were heard as students were surprised with their awards. Each student waited in anticipation to see what their teachers had voted for them. Following the presentation of awards, the entire 7th grade sang a wonderful song. for their parents, family, and friends. Ms. Jones, ELA teacher for 7th grade, wrapped up the program with some loving words about learning from your past experiences and taking new knowledge forward to make yourself even more successful in the future. Refreshments were served after the ceremony as students received flowers, balloons, and gifts from proud family members. Congratulations to our new 8th grade students and best wishes for the future!
#SASAtoms #SASCS #Graduation