Atoms Celebrate the End of the Year with A Field Day
Wednesday, June 15th, 2022—It was a beautiful day for a Field Day. In mid-June, Syracuse Academy of Science held its annual Field Day event to celebrate all the students' hard work and success this school year. Students in each grade level wore their specific color when participating in this annual event.
This outdoor celebration included games, activities, bounce houses, face painting, relay races, and more, allowing the students to beat the heat and spend time with their friends and classmates. No field day is ever complete without a cookout and outdoor picnic. Thank you, Ms. Robinson, for grilling up some delicious hot dogs for the Atoms to enjoy!
While this day was a blast for the Atoms, who said Field Days were only for the students? To conclude this annual event, teachers, faculty, and staff had their own fun with a mini water balloon fight! This was the perfect way to end an incredible year with the Atoms.
We want to take this moment to thank all of our teachers, faculty, and staff who helped make this Field Day event possible and our parent volunteers who came out to enjoy the day and helped out too!
We hope our Atoms are having an incredible summer. We look forward to seeing you in a few short weeks! Please click here to visit our Facebook page for additional pictures of the Syracuse Academy of Science elementary school Field Day event.