Quarterly Award Ceremony at the SAS Middle School with Special Guests!
On Friday, November 4, 2016 the SAS Middle School held its first quarterly award ceremony. This was a very special event not only because we were able to recognize the amazing achievements of our wonderful students, but we also had a special guest. Mr. John Tumino, father of one of our wonderful high school students, joined the ceremony to kick off our annual food drive. Mr. Tumino is the founder of In My Father's Kitchen, a wonderful organization that supports many people in need throughout Central New York. He spoke to our students about his efforts and one consistent message, that no one persoun should ever feel invisible and we can all contribute to preventing these tragedies. The event was kicked off my our superintendent, Dr. Hayali and was also joined by our advanced band. This was one amazing day where we recognized excellence and our ability to help others!
Click here to see the pictures of First Marking Period Award Ceremony at Middle School