SAS 5th graders take a field trip without leaving the classroom!

On Tuesday, November 1st, 2016, the 5th grade students of the SAS Middle School had a unique experience. After some short reading in science class about the features of a river, they took a field trip! The unusual fact was that they never left the classroom! Using Google Street View and Google Expeditions VR, 5th graders visited the Colorado River, England's Thames River, the mighty  Mississippi, and the Hudson River. Tools such as these really help build and make our students learning experiences much more immersive.


Click here to see pictures of Virtual Trips


Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School is part of Science Academies of New York.

SAS Elementary School

4837 S. Salina St. Syracuse, NY 13205
Phone: 315-469-9404
Fax: 315-469-9408

SAS Middle School

200 West High Ter. Syracuse, NY 13219
Phone: 315-487-5986
Fax: 315-487-5824

SAS High School

1001 Park Ave. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-428-8997
Fax: 315-428-9109


1409 W Genesee St. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-671-5470
Fax: 315-671-5475


For transportation related questions, please call transportation department in the district you live.
SCSD Transportation: 315-435-4260