SAS HS Student Athletes Score the Ultimate Goal
Friday, November 4th, 2022: We’ve all heard the saying “hard work pays off.” Head soccer coach, Mr. Bility, couldn’t agree more. Since August, when Syracuse Academy of Science finally got its own soccer field, he knew it was time to get to work. The team had been anxiously waiting to step on that field since Covid-19 started. Fast forward to 2022, the SAS Atoms were able to compete in their first official season as a school team. The season had many ups and downs, but the team competed and fought in every game until the last whistle. Even coaches from other schools saw this hard work in our student-athletes and wanted to recognize them.
Four of our student-athletes were nominated by Coach Bility and other coaches to the OHSL top players of the season. Congratulations to the following recipients:
Jamal Abdirahman: First Team All Patriots League
Taha Hayali: First Team All Patriots League
Ismael Colon Arencibia: Second Team All Patriots League
Sharif Hussein: Second Team All Patriots League
We also had two honorable mentions that we have to recognize as well:
Nischal Kharel and William Capra.
Congratulations on a stellar season, Atoms.
Please visit our Facebook page for more pictures of the students.