Teacher Spotlight: Mr. Carver

Friday, May 7th, 2021—This Syracuse Academy of Science high school English Teacher, former Teacher of the Year is certainly a team player as he takes a pie to the face in the name of good fun and cheer for the Atoms. This is just a quick glimpse as to how he can let fun, and positive nature influence and bring laughter and joy to those around him. Please let us welcome, high school English Teacher, Mr. Carver for our next Teacher Spotlight interview.
Interview with Mr. Carver
- What three traits define you? I try to think outside the box, listen to all sides, and the type to promote positivity.
- What is your greatest accomplishment? This is a loaded question. The academic answer would be winning the Teacher of the Year award back in 2018... but honestly, as amazing as that moment was, seeing graduated students thrive after graduating is equally as satisfying.
- Best book you have ever read? I could read The Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy over and over.
- What is one thing you cannot resist?(food/dessert/candy/etc.) I am a recovering and relapsed Chocoholic. Anything that has chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is up my alley.
- If you could have dinner with one person living or dead who would they be and why? I know the traditional answer involves a celebrity or public figure, but the answer is easily my parents. Family is a big thing to me, but during the social distancing world, I've only gotten the opportunity to visit them once in the past 18 months.
- What advice would you give to kids who are struggling at school? Tough times don't last, but tough people do. This year might be difficult for many, but life will always require that we adapt and improve. Take the year as a learning experience. Come out of it hungry and eager to continue to improve.
- Tell us, what is something that might surprise us about you? Are you ready to cringe? I'm the type who puts on one sock and shoe at a time... and only tie my shoes bunny style. Go ahead, judge away.