On Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016 students in Miss Bittel's 6th grade social studies classes were treated to a Cuban foods presentation by Odalis Gaskins, one of our 6th grader's mother. Students got the opportunity to watch video clips of Odalis preparing and cooling the foods in her kitchen and then students were able to sample the foods in class. Students were presented with Congris which has rice, black beans, salt and olive oil along with garlic, onion and green peppers, Chicken Stew which had chicken legs, olive oil, tomato paste, salt, garlic, onions and peppers, Ripe Plantain and garden salad with tomato. Students enjoyed every bite!
On Friday, November 18, 2016 the SAS Atoms Modified Boys Basketball team moved to 2-0 with a win over Oswego Middle School. The final score is 55-48.
Click here to see the pictures of Modified Basketball Second Victory
On Thursday, November 17th, 2016 the SAS Atoms Modified Boys Basketball Team got their first win of the season against Southside Academy. The final score is 49-36.They will play their second game (away) on Friday against Oswego.Good luck to our Atoms. Our Thanks goes to Coach Otis, players, parents and teachers who showed their support to these young athletes. Thank you.
Click here to see the pictures of Modified Basketball First Victory
On Wednesday, October 26th, 2016, a group of students, staff, and families attended the Syracuse Opera preview performance of La Cenerentola, the Italian composer Gioachino Rossini's take on the Cinderella fairy tale. We enjoyed a pre-concert talk about the music and watched the performance of the opera with live orchestra. We are invited to return to upcoming performances in February and April.
On Tuesday, November 15th, 2016, third grade went on a field trip to the YNN Studio. Students had the opportunity to see where reporters work, what kind of equipment they use, and visit the studio where weather forecasts are recorded! First, students learned about some of the history of the Syracuse area. We learned that the Erie Canal was just outside of YNN studio, where I-690 is now located! Next, we got to talk to a meteorologist who told us the ins and outs of weather forecasting. The meteorologist showed us the studio where weather forecasts are recorded and we got a chance to explore how the green screen works. Students also were thrilled to see the set and equipment that is used to create the newscasts that we see on TV. Some students even left the visit considering a career in the newscasting or meteorology field!
#SASAtoms #SASCS #YNNStudio
Click here to see pictures from third grade's trip to the YNN Studio
On Wednesday, November 9th, 2016, the elementary school celebrated students’ hard work for the month of October. There were 176 students at SAS Elementary who were a part of the League of Extraordinary Citizens this month! These students earned 85 or more DOJOs for the month of October and were able to celebrate with a photograph as well as a well-deserved dress down day as a reward. Keep up the great work Atoms!
Click here to see a picture of the League of Extraordinary Citizens for the month of November
On Monday, October 31st, 2016, our fall festival took place. Students and teacher showcased their festive fall costumes by having a parade around the school that displayed their individual personalities and interests. Parents lined the hallways eager to see the costumes we were proud to show off. As classes paraded the hallways other classes sat along the walls in the hallways to cheer on their peers as they displayed their costumes. Grade level teams of teachers organized themed costumes and marched with their classes through the hallways. After the parade, the students and their teachers participated in fall themed activities in the classroom with special treats provided by generous classmates.
On Thursday, October 27th, 2016 the SAS Elementary School held its first quarterly award ceremony. This event celebrated students’ hard work and achievement for the first quarter of the school year. Students from each grade level were presented with awards for academics, most improved, and displaying our character trait of the month, trustworthiness. Parents were encouraged to attend to see their child accept their awards from their classroom teachers and special area teachers. Additionally, the PBIS competition was between Mrs. Luca and Mrs. Dening’s classes (3rd and 4th) and Mrs. Wolff and Mrs. Figueroa’s classes for earning the most DOJOs as a class for the month! Students and teacher celebrated their win with a crazy hair day!
Click here to see pictures of the Elementary School's Quarterly Awards
On Friday, November 18th, 2016, eight #SASCS Middle school girls with Ms. Knapp, who is 6th & 7th grade science teacher, attended "Girls in the STEM Workplace" conference at SRC, Inc. which opened its doors to student and teachers so they can meet STEM professionals and witness STEM in action. These events included a tour of SRC's state-of-the-art facilities, games and activities to introduce new concepts, one-on-one time with engineers and scientists, lunch, and more. Students also learned what work feels like in a professional environment.
This was a special opportunity to learn about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) careers in CNY through those practicing those disciplines.
Dear Syracuse Academy of Science Parents, Students, Teachers, Staff, and Our Community,
With great enthusiasm, I wish to thank all of you who have worked tirelessly and continuously to make our mission of educating students in the City of Syracuse not only a reality, but also a model of success. As a result of your efforts and dedication, we have won approval to open another academy, Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship, in September 2017.
After much thorough research and scrutiny among more than 20 different charter school applicants, the New York State Department of Education Board of Regents chose us, together with two new charter schools from NYC, during the July cycle. We were chosen based on our 14-year record of financial stability, academic success in state testing, cohort graduation rates, instructional practices and overall parent and student satisfaction rates.
Our decision to start another charter school in Syracuse was prompted by the need expressed by the community, from the families of the more than 1,400 students we could not accept because our charter was within its full capacity. We heard their pleas for help and have acted to help them, despite many inevitable obstacles. With your support, we can continue to educate students who not only will graduate from high school, but also pursue higher education and professions that will enable them to be productive members of the Syracuse community and society at large. Serving the children of today will help build a successful future for everyone.
It is an honor and privilege for me to serve to all of our children and work side by side with such dedicated and passionate staff at Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School who really cares, goes the extra mile and makes the school such a great positive conducive learning environment for our inner city Syracuse children.
Dr. Tolga Hayali
Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School
Utica Academy of Science Charter School
Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship Charter School
- New anti-bullying campaign came to SAS High School
- US Veteran Speaks with 2nd Grade Students at SAS Elementary
- SAS High School Performs a Murder Mystery show
- SAS Middle School students help spearhead Operation Christmas Child
- 2nd Graders Visit the Betts Branch Library
- 7th graders visit Rochester's 20th Annual Children's Book Festival
- 6th graders visit the depths of Howe Cavern
- Quarterly Award Ceremony at the SAS Middle School with Special Guests!
- Monthly OLWEUS Classroom Meeting at the Middle School
- SAS 5th graders take a field trip without leaving the classroom!