Kindergarten goes Pumpkin Picking!

During our field trip to Tim’s Pumpkin Patch, the students were able to explore many things. Although cold and rainy, the students were able to enjoy several activities the park had to offer. We saw farm animals, including chickens, pigs, and sheep. The students saw several varieties of pumpkins, such as gourds and white pumpkins; they were amazed that there could be so many different types of pumpkins. Next, the students took turns going through the small hay maze, followed by the whole group going through the farm’s larger corn maze. This was quite the experience, as we seemed to have been lost for a while, but the students were encouraging not only each other, but the adults as well, that we can find the way out! After finally finding the end to the corn maze, the students were able to pick out their own pumpkin which they were able to bring home. Due to the weather, we had to cut the trip short, but the farm sent us back with cider and donuts, which the students enjoyed while we again discussed the life cycle of a pumpkin!


Click here to view pictures from this event.

SAS Elementary Kindergarteners Attend Dasher's Magical Gift

On Thursday, December 8th, 2016 the Kindergarteners went to see the ballet, “Dasher’s Magical Gift.” The students were able to experience a live performance up close and personal. This interactive play taught the students about the true meaning of Christmas: that family and friends are our true gifts that we should cherish. This is a message that we are constantly trying to convey with our students in the classroom. During the play, the students saw comical penguins, friendly reindeer, hardworking elves, and Santa Clause himself. In each of the Kindergarten classrooms, we are learning about holidays around the world. Not only was this ballet about Christmas, which is widely celebrated in the United States, but during the play, one of the main characters said, “Merry Christmas! And Happy Hanukkah! And Happy Kwanza! And Happy Diwali!” We will be learning about, or have already learned about each of these celebrations from around the world. The children had so much fun, and were so happy and excited that they got to see Santa!

#SASAtoms #SASCS #DashersMagicalGift

Click here to view pictures from this event.

SAS Elementary organized a Toy Drive

From December 1st through December 21st, 2016, SAS Elementary organized a Toy Drive to benefit local families in need. Students and staff donated a total of 208 toys! Of those collected, 110 went to the Vera House organization, and 98 were given to Toys for Tots. We collected various kinds of toys including dolls, cars, trucks, books, footballs, and puzzles.


Click here to see pictures from the Toy Drive

December Student of the Month at Elementary School

On Thursday, December 22nd, 2016, SAS Elementary held the December Student of the Month ceremony. The character trait for the month of December was Caring/Compassion. Several students were recognized for their compassion that they show in school on a daily basis. In addition, the classes with the most DOJOs were able to face off in a competition to carry a cotton ball across the line using only a straw. These classes received a twin dress down day for their hard work! Congratulations to all students who were recognized-keep up the great work!


Click here to see pictures from December's Student of the Month Ceremony

SAS Elementary Spelling Bee

On Wednesday, December 14th, 2016, the top 26 spellers at SAS Elementary competed in the Scripps National Spelling Bee! After a lot of studying, the students were given words from grades 1-8 that challenged them! The top spellers were Micah Baker, Ruveyda Baysal, Taylor Bennett-Dykes, and Arashel Hill! Congratulations all of the students who participated!​


Click here to see pictures from SAS Elementary Spelling Bee

4th Grade Takes a Trip to Ultimate Goal

On Thursday, December 7, 2016, the fourth graders went on an exciting and fun field trip to Ultimate Goal in Marcellus. The purpose of the field trip was to promote teamwork and positive interactions between students. The bonus was that it was just plain fun! Students played team sports like soccer and dodge ball. They also got to enjoy lunch all together with their teachers before heading back to school. Other patrons at Ultimate Goal were impressed with how well our students played together. They also loved our uniforms. The entire fourth grade enjoyed this field trip very 


Click here to see pictures from fourth grade's field trip to Ultimate Goal

Happy Holidays

Dear SAS Family,

On behalf of the Board of Trustees and our staff, I wish you a very happy holiday season.

Food, toy, and donation drives held in October, November, and December at the elementary, middle, and high schools benefited organizations which helps thousands of families, friends, and neighbors in this season of giving. 

  • Elementary school donated total of 208 toys - 110 to the Vera House, and the rest to Toys for Tots. 
  • Elementary school were able to collect fifteen coats and one pair of snow pants. All donations will be given to children in need.
  • Middle school donated 900 items of food to In My Father's Kitchen.
  • Middle school donated 1000 items such as clothes, outerwear, and toys to the Syracuse Rescue Mission.
  • Diversity club at high school has sponsored 2 orphans in Haiti with their donation of $800.
  • SASCS teachers, staff, parents, and students got together on Donation Day to collect items from furniture to clothing and raise monetary funding for the house fire victims.

I am grateful for the generosity all of our families show throughout the year. Thank you for your support of our mission and the community. 

I hope you enjoy the holiday break. Take this time to enjoy family and friends and celebrate the New Year. I am truly thankful to be a part of the lives of so many wonderful students and their families. I wish you and your family much health and happiness in 2017.


Dr. Tolga Hayali, Ed.D.
Syracuse & Utica Academies of Science Charter School

Annual Staff vs. Students Basketball Game at the Middle School

On Friday, December 23rd, 2016 the SAS Middle School held its 3rd Annual Staff vs. Students Basketball Game. Students from the 6th and 7th grade pitted their youth and speed against the size and experience of the staff members. Although the staff members would prove victorious, the game was fun for all participants and spectators. Student Co-MVP's were named as Alexius Pierce and Zachary Allen. Staff Co-MVP's were named as Mr. Frisina and Mr. McGriff. This annual event is a crowd favorite and is a great way to kick off the holiday vacation! Have a safe holiday season Atoms! We will see you next year! 


Click here to see pictures of Middle School Annual Staff vs. Students Basketball Game

Annual Holiday Drive concludes at the Middle School

On Friday, December 23rd, 2016 the SAS Middle School concluded their annual Holiday Drive. This year, students and their families gathered clothes, outerwear, and toys for donations to the Syracuse Rescue Mission. Last year, we raised over 700 items. We were thrilled to exceed 1,000 items this year! Representatives from the Rescue Mission were on hand to speak to the students about the work of their wonderful organization. Students who donated made signed a posters to present to our guests. This event encapsulates the wonderful aspects of citizenship that we hope to instill in all of our students. Happy Holidays!


Click here to see pictures of Middle School Annual Holiday Drive

First Annual Harvest Festival at the Middle School

On Thursday, December 22nd, 2016, the SAS Middle School held its first Harvest Festival. This event was held as a part of our culturally responsive lesson program. Parents were invited to join the event and bring a favorite family dish. Over 30 parents came to the school to break bread with students and staff members and to share food that is often present at important moments at home. Student artwork was on display throughout the meal. Events such as this highlight the amazing diversity that we have at SAS. We look forward to making this event an annual event. Students, staff, and family members had an amazing time. See you next year!


Click here to see the pictures of Harvest Festival


Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School is part of Science Academies of New York.

SAS Elementary School

4837 S. Salina St. Syracuse, NY 13205
Phone: 315-469-9404
Fax: 315-469-9408

SAS Middle School

200 West High Ter. Syracuse, NY 13219
Phone: 315-487-5986
Fax: 315-487-5824

SAS High School

1001 Park Ave. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-428-8997
Fax: 315-428-9109


1409 W Genesee St. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-671-5470
Fax: 315-671-5475


For transportation related questions, please call transportation department in the district you live.
SCSD Transportation: 315-435-4260