The 6th graders took their first annual trip to Big Don's Wild River Golf

On Wednesday, September 28th, 2016, the 6th graders took their first annual trip to Big Don's Wild River Golf. This year, the staff at Big Don's added a new activity for our students, LASER TAG. Students and teachers battled it out in a test of strength and will! Students also enjoyed the elaborately decorated mini golf course. The 18 holes were filled with fun and excitement for all of our students. Each student capped off the activity with a time challenge run through Big Don's Maze! Lastly, our students gathered around the iconic "Big Bear" for a group picture. This was the first of many trips for the 6th grade. We are looking forward to a great year with amazing activities! Go ATOMS!

#SASAtoms #SASCS #BigDons

Click here to see 6th grade trip to Big Don's Wild River Golf

The 7th graders took their first annual trip to Big Don's Wild River Golf

On Tuesday, September 27th, 2016, the 7th graders took their first annual trip to Big Don's Wild River Golf. This year, the staff at Big Don's added a new activity for our students, LASER TAG. Students and teachers battled it out in a test of strength and will! Students also enjoyed the elaborately decorated mini golf course. The 18 holes were filled with fun and excitement for all of our students. Each student capped off the activity with a time challenge run through Big Don's Maze! Lastly, our students gathered around the iconic "Big Bear" for a group picture. This was the first of many trips for the 7th grade. We are looking forward to a great year with amazing activities! Go ATOMS!

#SASAtoms #SASCS #BigDons

Click here to see 7th grade trip to Big Don's Wild River Golf

SAS buildings came together for a benefit to help two of our amazing families

On Saturday, September 24th, 2016, all three SAS buildings came together in the high school parking lot for a benefit to help two of our amazing families. The De La Cruz and Bonilla families were victims of a house fire weeks before that claimed most of their possessions. This team effort created a great event that involved a car wash, barbecue, bounce house, bake sale, and more! SAS families from all three buildings helped out and participated in the festivities. An event such as this represents the best qualities of the Syracuse Academy of Science. Students, parent, teachers, and administrators who are here for one common goal, the success of our students and families! 

We would like to thank those who donated items, money, and gift cards. We also would like to thank those who volunteered and helped before, during, and after the event. We would not be able to make this day happen without your help.



Click here to see pictures of Donation Day

Student Leadership Club hosted their first Teen Center Night at MS

On Friday, September 16th, 2016, Miss Bittel and Miss Orioli's Student Leadership Club hosted their first Teen Center Night at the SAS Middle School from 5:30PM-7:00PM. Teen Center Night is an event for students to be able to come and hangout in a safe environment while doing interactive activities with their peers. Students were able to rotate from a wide variety of activities including, karaoke, basketball, coloring, watching a movie and playing video games. Pizza and drinks were provided! Students leadership uses Teen Center Night as a way to raise money for other events throughout the school year! Friday's event was hosted to raise money for our SAS family who lost their home to a house fire in August! Fun was had by all! 


Click here to see the pictures of Teen Center Night

SAS High School students were recognized at SUNY Oswego

On Friday, September 9, 2016, SUNY Oswego College of Liberal Arts and Sciences hosted the Annual Summer Researchers Presentation to recognize summer graduate and undergraduate researchers at SUNY Oswego. From SASCS, four senior students, Jason Mompeller, Killiaun Blathe, Terry Hines and Kenyang Lual,  presented their research at this exciting event to students and professors. 

Jason and Killiuan worked on an advanced organic chemistry project, "Converting Aryl Halides in to Phenols By using Picolinicamide Derivatives as Ligands" and their project will be published this fall. 

Terry and Kenyang worked on an environmental chemistry project. Their project "Determination of Iron and Manganese in Dried Vegetables by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy" was a very exciting project to identify the metal samples in vegetables. 

#SASAtoms #SASCS #SUNYOswego

Click here to see the pictures of SUNY Oswego Summer Research Presentation

Donation Day at SAS High - Time to Help

SAS is hosting a "Donation Day" at the high school, 1001 Park Ave., on September 24th from 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. for the families who lost their home and belongings to a violent house fire on August 13th. The families affected include 8 of our very own scholars from both the De La Cruz and Bonilla families. The families are in need of clothing, toiletries, household items, cleaning supplies, dishware, non-perishable food items, dog food, furniture, bedding, and appliances.  Any and all donations will be accepted and appreciated. Those who donate will receive a car wash and can join us for a cookout with hot-dogs, hamburgers, baked goods, and beverages. We will be raffling off gift baskets, including school supplies, snacks/candy, chocolate, movies, and popcorn. Please join us in helping students and families of our SAS community get back on their feet. See you there!

Eight students at Syracuse Academy of Science Middle School lost everything in a house fire back on August 13th and the school is holding a fundraiser to help get them back on their feet. School Counselor Andrea Orioli has more. Featured on Street Talk on 93Q.

Science Meets Jazz with #1 Billboard jazz Artist Marcus Anderson

Syracuse Academy of Science is hosting its first Annual Fundraiser “Science Meets Jazz” with #1 Billboard jazz Artist Marcus Anderson. Marcus began his singing career at his high school talent show and it was there that he along with many others realized he had an extraordinary gift. He demonstrates to our youth that dreams can come true. 

Jazz meets Science at Syracuse Academy of Science Middle School located at 200 West High Ter. Syracuse, NY on Wednesday, October 5th, 2016 at 5:30pm.

The proceeds from Jazz Meets Science will fund Syracuse Academy of Science’s STEM, Science and Robotics programs. SASCS services over 900 students, and it continues to have a growing waiting list. SAS wants to afford its students as many opportunities as possible in STEM programs. Throughout the school year SAS students participate in science fairs and local competitions: Math Olympiad, Science Olympiad, Math Counts, as well as the ongoing Robotics program, which SAS students placed 1st in. 

Syracuse Academy of Science students have competed and placed in international science fairs as well. Your support with Science Meets Jazz will allow SAS to continue to grow and develop its STEM programming. With the support of our community we can foster unique opportunities to enrich our student’s knowledge base and passion for science and education. Your donation will be tax deductible. Make checks payable to Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School.

If you'd like to get more information, please call one of the numbers below:

  • SAS High School - 315-428-8997
  • SAS Middle School - 315-487-5986
  • SAS Elementary School - 315-469-9404

Science Meets Jazz is sponsored by:



SAS Middle School observed the 9/11 remembrance

On Friday, September 9, 2016, the SAS Middle School observed the 9/11 remembrance. Students in the classroom heard narratives from each of the classroom teachers. As an entire school, students and teachers created a red, white, and blue star in our gymnasium. We heard some words from Mr. Carter about what this day means to our nation, conducted our Pledge of Allegiance, and had a moment of silence to pay respect to this event.  

Click here to see pictures of 9/11 remembrance

SAS Middle School participated in our Olweus Anti-Bullying Kickoff

On Thursday, September 8th, 2016, the students at the Syracuse Academy of Science Middle School participated in our Olweus Anti-Bullying Kickoff. This research based program is intended to bring bullying out of the shadows and make it part of a central conversation to improve awareness. Classrooms circulated between three areas, classroom, the cafeteria for a guest speaker, and the gym. First, students participated in a classroom meeting with a team building activity that they roleplayed various situations that were designed to get students to move from being a bullying bystander to helping address and prevent it. In addition, students participated in a t-shirt design contest as they drew logos with anti-bullying messages. Lastly, Students participated in team building activities around the gym designed to build skills in communication, problem solving, and listening. Secondly, we had  guest speakers, Jami Ryan and Maureen Foran-Mocete, and their team from the Child Advocacy Center, who presented to each grade level at Syracuse Academy Middle School. Their presentation focused on bullying prevention and how to turn bystanders into upstanders. The scholars were engaged and participated in answering and asking questions. Lastly, grade levels enjoyed different activities in the gym. The first activity focused on communication. Students worked in pairs to give verbal directions to a partner as they draw a simple image. The entire group shared their image to see which pair was able to communicate and recreate the image closest to the actual picture. The following three activities focused on trust, communication, and listening skills. Students work in pairs to guide their partner through a "mine field" while they are blind folded. Students had to get to the other side without hitting any of the items. A variation of this game required students to walk to a location blind folded and retrieve as many items as they could as their partner guided them verbally. Additionally, students worked in teams to get from one end of the gym to the other through a "sea of hot chocolate" as they stepped on "marshmallows". The last station was a photo booth where students formed many group poses with props to help send a "No Bullying" message.  Students were good sports and enjoyed working in a variety of groups and pairs.

Click here to see pictures of OLWEUS Anti-Bullying Kickoff

Syracuse Academy kicked off another school year. Welcome back everyone

On Thursday, August 25th, 2016, the Syracuse Academy of Science kicked off another school year. Students met their new teachers in the 5th grade and students in 6th and 7th grade moved into classrooms with familiar faces! We are looking forward to a new year with our amazing students as we work toward the goal of all of our Atoms eventually attending college. Look to our Academic Calendar for upcoming events!

Click here to see pictures of first day of school


Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School is part of Science Academies of New York.

SAS Elementary School

4837 S. Salina St. Syracuse, NY 13205
Phone: 315-469-9404
Fax: 315-469-9408

SAS Middle School

200 West High Ter. Syracuse, NY 13219
Phone: 315-487-5986
Fax: 315-487-5824

SAS High School

1001 Park Ave. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-428-8997
Fax: 315-428-9109


1409 W Genesee St. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-671-5470
Fax: 315-671-5475


For transportation related questions, please call transportation department in the district you live.
SCSD Transportation: 315-435-4260