On Monday, November 5, 2018, first grade #SASAtoms asked, "How is clay made?" and more while visiting Feats of Clay in Manlius, NY. During their visit, our #SASAtoms chose a custom piece of pottery to decorate from options of race cars, emojis, dragons, lizards, snails, puzzle pieces, and more. When selecting the perfect color to paint their pottery, our #SASAtoms learned about mixing colors and why pottery must be glazed before firing. As our first graders expressed themselves creatively, they asked questions about the process. The finished masterpieces will be ready in just a few short weeks! Teaching our #SASAtoms the value of creative expression and scientific inquiry is just one of the ways we are building success one ATOM at a time.

On Thursday, October 25, 2018 the Syracuse Astronomical Society visited the #SASCS fourth graders and did a telescope presentation. #SASAtoms learned about three different types of telescopes, how telescopes can help us see, and how they work. The students had some great questions about how to use them, and what they can tell us about our solar system. Exposure to the sciences at an early age is one of the ways we are building success one ATOM at a time.
On Wednesday, October 31, 2018, our #SASAtoms celebrated Fall in style. Our #SASCS classrooms were filled with laughter and treats, followed by a costume parade to spooky music around the school for their parents. If students didn't want to participate in the parade, they enjoyed an afternoon of fun in the gym with Mr. Albert! Some classes got a special visit and guest reading from Ms. Georgiadis who dressed as Camilla Cream from the book A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon.
On Thursday, October 25, 2018, the fourth grade #SASAtoms took a trip to Abbott's farm. They picked both pumpkins and apples, took a wagon ride, and visited with the many animals that call the farm home. Students were given a tour and learned about the apple orchard, pumpkins, crops, the cider press operation, the farm animals, and the farm's history.
On Friday, October 19, 2018, sixth grade #SASAtoms went on a field trip to Howe Caverns. #SASCS students spent their time learning about how the cave system formed millions of years ago, how it was rediscovered, and how it got to be what it is today. The trip included a 90 minute guided tour of the underground cave system and a boat ride. To leave the cave system, #SASAtoms had to traverse through the Winding Way. Both students and staff had a great time on this underground adventure.

On Wednesday, October 24, 2018, #SASAtoms toured Fort Rickey Children's Discover Zoo, in Rome, NY. The zoo provided an ice cream cone full of animal food, and #SASAtoms took bits at a time in their hand to feed the deer and sheep through the fence and then fed them the ice cream cone. After stepping into the enclosure, #SASAtoms were able to pet the deer and hug the sheep. Our #SASAtoms were then taken to the dock and were able to feed the fish and ducks, and they loved it!
We then took a wagon ride that drove us around the zoo, where we were able to see all of the animals in their enclosures. After lunch, we were let into the “maternity pen” where the students were able to pet and hold baby goats and their mothers. Following the maternity pen, we went and played in the ball pit. We aren't sure who had more fun, the students or the chaperones! These visits to local zoo's help expose our #SASAtoms to diverse wildlife and are just one of the ways we are building success one ATOM at a time.
- First Grade Taps Into Fun at Dutch Hill Farms
- #SASCS Middle School Learns the Ropes at Syracuse University
- Third Grade Pumpkin Patch Fun at #SASCS
- Second Grade Enjoys a Day at the Farm
- Pumpkins for #SASCS Kindergartners
- Inspirational Speaker Marc Mero at #SASCS High School
- Fall Literacy Night at #SASCS Elementary
- #SASAtoms Sweep 2018 CNY Steamboat Challenge
- First-Grade Fall Fun at Tim's Pumpkin Patch
- Executive Education Programs Director Margaret Lane at #SASCS