On October 26, 2015 Dr. Lebel came to visit SAS for the second time to speak with the 10th grade about his career. Dr. Lebel is the Chief Medical Geneticist at Upstate and is also a Professor in the departments of Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Pathology and a Lecturer in the department of Bioethics and the Humanities. Dr. Lebel shared his background with the students, what it took to get where he is today, and also shared some stories about work. Students asked excellent questions and were really interested in learning about the rare diseases and disorders Dr. Lebel experiences at work. We appreciate the time Dr. Lebel took out of his schedule to come and speak with our students about the work he does and about helping his patients.
The high school Drama Club has been working very hard on their Murder Mystery Dinner for this weekend on Friday and Saturday night, both at 7pm. Here is a sneak-peek of the rehearsal that went on last night. It is a show you won't want to miss! If you are interested in purchasing tickets for the play, please contact Ms. McGinnis at
On Thursday, October 15th some of our high school students attended Construction Career Day at the NY State Fair Grounds with Mr. M. Students were able to move between 3 stations: Hands-on Demonstrations, Operating & Static Equipment, and Career/Continuing Education Booths. During the trip, students learned about the wide range of career options available in the construction industry from about 40 different types of construction-related companies and union contractors. Students were also able to speak with employers, college representatives, and unions to discuss apprenticeship programs and hiring information. This was a really fun field trip and will definitely be a trip SAS attends again next year!
On Friday, October 9, 2015, the SAS Middle school held its first Student of the Month ceremony of the year. A student, who showed dedication, passion, and hard work through out September, from each section was recognized during the ceremony. Each student was awarded with a certificate and a dress down day pass. Everyone enjoyed the ceremony with laughter and cheers. Ceremony was closed by a great performance with students in step/drill club who had their first demonstration since the club activities have started. Congratulations to star students of September. Keep up the good work.
On Friday, September 11, 2015, the SAS Middle School held a variety of activities commemorating 9/11. In the morning, we created an American flag using each grade level wearing red, white, and blue and paid our respects with a moment of silence. We also conducted the pledge of allegiance as an entire school. In the classroom, middle school students studied the event and our country’s response, heard narratives from staff perspective of where they were during 9/11 as well as wrote thank you letters to the brave men and women that serve our great nation.
On September 23rd, 2015 all of the 2nd grade went to Navarino Orchards for a field trip. The students have been working on story writing in school and have been writing stories about the Journey of a seed. While at the orchard, teachers and students talked about how the apples have seeds and what their journey might be if they had gotten out of the apple at the orchard. Needless to say, it was a very fun journey this seed would have had at the orchard! Students took hay rides, picked apples, and explored the orchard while they were there! A great time was had by all!
Syracuse Academy Charter School students spent a week immersed in environmental science and ecology activities through the SUNY ESF (State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry) Summer Science Camp from August 3rd to August 7th. Eleven SAS students attended the camp with 4 SUNY ESF supervisors along with SAS science teacher and program director, Dr. Ay. ESF SCIENCE (Summer Camps Investigating Ecology in Neighborhood and City Environments) is a weeklong day camp focusing on science and environmental learning. This includes both indoor and outdoor hands-on activities and online components as well. The camp covered topics such as local trees, energy usage, GPS, wind turbine engineering, animal habitats, water shed landscaping, pollution, water cleaning and stream analysis.
Syracuse Academy of Science Charter school students participated the High School Summer Science Immersion program at SUNY Oswego for the 6th time this year. The program, held from July 6th to July 31st, provided selected students the opportunity to assist with research projects organized by graduate students or professors of chemistry and physics at SUNY Oswego.
The goal of the program is to guide high school students as they complete individual research projects in science while under the supervision of experienced scientists. Example projects include polymer synthesis, analytical characterization of wastewaters, nanoparticle synthesis and characterization for quantum dot project, semiconductor design and characteristics.
On the first day, the students attended a safety meeting at the Shineman Science building; later, the students met their mentors. The goal for each student was to complete a research project and to write research paper to accompany his/her poster board. We are hoping that the experiences the students have at the Summer Science Immersion Program improves their abilities to conduct research, present them, and even help enhance their college/job application and interview processes. The student-to-staff ratio is no more than 2:1, and students meet for 7 hours per day, 5 days per week for 4 weeks in the summer.
We are proud to announce that SAS recently received a $1,500 grant to improve the school's science laboratory for students’ research. Science teacher, Dr. Ayten Ay, and SASCS Director, Mr. Bak, co-wrote the American Chemical Society Hach (High School Chemistry) Classroom Grant proposal. The grant aims to support ideas that enhance classroom learning, foster student development, and reveal the wonders of chemistry.
At SASCS, we believe that our students should have as many opportunities as possible to conduct quality experiments in our classroom labs. The grant will be used to purchase spectrometer systems to study quantum dot nanoparticles’ behaviors and analyze data in chemistry research classes during the 2015-2016 school year. Having regular access to this type of advanced equipment will help our students develop the skills that are necessary to prepare them for college.
Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School offers research opportunities to students for three years, which aim to enhance awareness of recent advances in STEM fields and career opportunities related to STEM. We are very excited to receive the ACS Hach Grant. We want to be able to provide the best education possible as our student’ desire to learn more in the STEM fields increases each year.
On June 24, 2015, Syracuse Academy of Science said "Goodbye" to the class of 2015. Graduation was held at the Civic Center in Syracuse. For many of the graduates, this was a bittersweet moment. SAS is very proud of this wonderful group of graduates and we are confident that you will accomplish great things in the future!!! Congratulations again to the Class of 2015!