SAS 4th Graders are Taught how to Handle an Emergency

A Guest Speaker from Onondaga County Department of Emergency Communications 911 Center Teaches SAS Atoms how to Handle an Emergency

Thursday, December 15th, 2022: Regina Morris from the Onondaga County Department of Emergency Communications 911 Center came to SAS Elementary School to speak to our 4th graders. Regina spoke about what to expect when you call 911, what questions they ask, and why 911 operators have to ask so many questions when someone calls. She also explained the difference between an emergency vs. a non-emergency and how to contact 911 through nonverbal means, the use of interpreter service, or TTY. The Onondaga County Department of Emergency Communications' goal is for citizens of all ages to be well-versed in their role in ensuring an effective and efficient emergency response for themselves and their fellow citizens. We are very grateful for the valuable information that was shared with our 4th-grade atoms!

Please check our Facebook for more pictures. 


Season's Greetings from SANY Schools - 2022

Dear Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School Community, 

How is it already Holiday Break? It seems like we were welcoming students back on campus for the new school year just yesterday. The end of the year is a time for reflection and remembrance. We are thankful for where we came from and have a moment to think about where we are going as we pursue the future with hope. 

Therefore, I want to take some time to reflect on everything we have accomplished together so far this year.

  • Syracuse Academy of Science became eligible to award volunteers in the greater Syracuse area for President's Volunteer Service Awards (PSVA). 
  • Syracuse Academy of Science celebrates and awards student of the month for September, October, November and December.
  • 13 Syracuse Academy of Science High School students receive Congressional Awards.
  • Syracuse Academy of Science students take home gold, silver, and bronze medals in the 2022 CNY Steamboat Competition.
  • Atoms in Mr. Yaman's Turkish class travels to Washington, DC for the Turkish festival.
  • Third and fourth grade Syracuse Academy of Science students had the once-in-a-lifetime experience of watching President Joe Biden’s convoy pass the school on their way up to Onondaga Community College during the President’s visit in October. 
  • Syracuse Academy of Science high school welcomes representatives from Micron.
  • Congressional Awards students go on a weekend trip to Ithaca. 
  • Syracuse Academy of Science high school Robotics Team wins first place in the CNY Bridge Building Competition.
  • Syracuse Academy of Science elementary school atoms compete in the CNY Bridge Competition.
  • Syracuse Academy of Science gets its first soccer field & 4 athletes are nominated to the All Patriots League with 2 additional honorable mentions. 
  • OCC President & Vice President visit Syracuse Academy of Science high school.
  • Congressional Awards students take a trip to Chicago.
  • Syracuse Academy of Science raises more than $1,000 during a fundraiser for the family of Nezamiyah White.
  • Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh visits Syracuse Academy of Science elementary school.
  • Rise Above Poverty donates toiletries and other necessities to Syracuse Academy of Science middle school students.
  • Syracuse Academy of Science fourth graders compete in a spelling bee.

Looking at that long list of accomplishments, it’s hard to believe we are only halfway through the year! We can tackle anything as long as we work together as many atoms, one family. 

Happy holidays!


Dr. Tolga Hayali
SANY Superintendent

SAS 4th Grade Atom Crowned Spelling Bee Champion

Syracuse Academy of Science 4th Graders Face off in a Spelling Bee

Tuesday, December 13th, 2022: What word is always spelled wrong?


Get it?! Well, one atom didn’t spell any words wrong at Syracuse Academy of Science elementary school’s spelling bee! Fourth graders showed off their spelling skills in our evening event. Family and friends were invited to watch our star spellers face off. After many challenging rounds, the fourth Grade Spelling Bee Champion was crowned. 

Great job to all of our spellers that participated! Everyone is a star!


A Special Group of 2nd-Graders Enjoy Breakfast with SANY Superintendent Dr. Tolga Hayali

Superintendent Dr. Hayali Shares Special Breakfast with Syracuse Academy of Science 2nd-Graders

Tuesday, December 13th, 2022: Syracuse Academy of Science elementary school's second-grade representatives had breakfast with SANY Superintendent Dr. Hayali. Scholars enjoyed fluffy waffles and discussed why they were chosen to represent their class. It was such an honor for these atoms to enjoy a special breakfast with our Superintendent!

Please check our Facebook for more photos. 

Buzz Buzz: SAS 3rd-Graders Compete in a Spelling Bee

Syracuse Academy of Science 3rd Graders Compete in Spelling Bee

Tuesday, December 13th, 2022: A, B, C, easy as 1, 2, 3. SAS Elementary third-grade Atoms participated in a Spelling Bee! Scholars practiced hard for weeks to narrow the grade down to 22 spellers. After four rounds, we were down to one winner! Words like "bottom" and "sole" provided spelling challenges for our third-graders, but they never gave up! 

Congratulations to the winners, the participants, and the third-grade for working so hard on their spelling! 

Please check our Facebook for more pictures. 


It's beginning to look a lot like snow!

Syracuse Academy of Science Kindergarteners Create Snowy Art

Wednesday, December 14th, 2022: It's beginning to look a lot like snow! Syracuse Academy of Science Kindergarteners must have predicted this snowstorm because they have been working in class to create a background for a penguin! It's also the perfect activity to practice letters and lines. These atoms are learning that drawing snowflakes can be simple! An X and a plus sign combine to make a snowflake. Add the letter V on the end to dress it up!

Please check our Facebook for more pictures. 

SAS 2nd Graders Practice Reading Accurately & Fluently

Syracuse Academy of Science Elementary School Atoms Reading Intervention

Thursday, December 8th, 2022: In Mrs. Georgiadis's second-grade intervention groups, students have been working on reading accurately and fluently. Atoms worked hard to practice a play called "Duck Gets Lost." They met their goal through hard work and repeated practice. They even made masks and performed the play! Great job, atoms! The world is your stage!


Rise Above Poverty Donates Toiletries to SAS Middle School Atoms

Syracuse Academy of Science Middle School Atoms Receive Donation from Rise Above Poverty

Monday, December 12th, 2022: Reggie Kelley from Rise Above Poverty came to Syracuse Academy of Science middle school and graciously donated toiletries such as deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, and socks. Rise Above Poverty is a donation-based non-profit organization that helps provide students in Syracuse with necessities.

Thank you for your generous donations to our Atoms and to all the families you have and will continue to help.

2nd Grader Featured in Prestigious Art Show at Syracuse University

Syracuse University Art Show Features  Designs from a Syracuse Academy  Elementary Student

Saturday, December 3rd, 2022: One of our second-grade Atoms was featured in "The BIG SHOW!" at Syracuse University. The BIG SHOW! is the overall display of art-filled education completed during the Saturday Art Workshops for Young People at SU. During this year's session, students visited the SU art museum twice, learned new techniques, and had their artwork displayed at the end of the program. 

This Atom's classroom teachers and art teacher came out to support her and see her spectacular work! Way to go!

Please visit our Facebook for more photos. 

Ms. Cahalan’s Girls Group Explores ways to Healthily Resolve Conflict

Syracuse Academy of Science Girls' Group Meets Every Friday After School

Friday, December 2nd, 2022: Syracuse Academy of Science elementary school teacher Ms. Cahalan hosts a girls' group that meets on Fridays at the end of the day. The girls talk about skills they can use to resolve social conflict healthily while having fun building with legos. The meetings are a positive experience for our Atoms and Ms. Cahalan!




Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School is part of Science Academies of New York.

SAS Elementary School

4837 S. Salina St. Syracuse, NY 13205
Phone: 315-469-9404
Fax: 315-469-9408

SAS Middle School

200 West High Ter. Syracuse, NY 13219
Phone: 315-487-5986
Fax: 315-487-5824

SAS High School

1001 Park Ave. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-428-8997
Fax: 315-428-9109


1409 W Genesee St. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-671-5470
Fax: 315-671-5475


For transportation related questions, please call transportation department in the district you live.
SCSD Transportation: 315-435-4260