Wednesday, September 28th, 2022: Syracuse Academy of Science Elementary School's 2B Class was supposed to walk to the Library for a field trip. When the rain forced their teachers to cancel, they made the best of it by inviting parents to read to the class! 2B atoms explored the book "The Word Collector" by Peter H. Reynolds. In "The Word Collector," the main character Jerone, uses expressive vocabulary and shares it with the world around him. The children in 2B investigated words and connected them to synonyms to expand their vocabulary, followed by an investigation of keywords from the book. Parent volunteers engaged and supported the expansion of learning with their SANY scholars.
Friday, September 23rd, 2022: It's time to shine the spotlight on one of our amazing teachers! Ms. Peryea is entering her 8th year at Syracuse Academy of Science Elementary School. She was hired in January 2015 as a co-teacher and worked her way up to a second-grade classroom teacher and an academic coach for our elementary building. She grew up near Syracuse and moved back after college to begin her teaching career. She enjoys reading, watching movies, and relaxing at home with loved ones.
Ms. Peryea received her bachelor's degree from The College at Brockport SUNY in history with a childhood education focus and received her master's degree in literacy from Le Moyne College. Ms. Peryea feels most inspired when surrounded by other people in her profession. She loves to gather inspiration by surrounding herself with people who are smarter than she is and have lots to add to the conversation.
Ms. Peryea teaches class 2A. 2A and Syracuse Academy of Science Elementary School are so lucky to have her!
Friday, September 16th- Sunday, September 18th, 2022: Syracuse Academy of Science High School had a bunch of “happy campers” over the weekend! Mr. Yaman and Mr. Serkan’s Congressional Awards students camped in tents on Wellesley Island in the Thousand Islands. They enjoyed swimming, hiking, fishing, and exploring the area with their friends and Congressional Award mentors.
Friday, September 2, 2022: While the students are away, the teachers will play! During the last two weeks of summer, Syracuse Academy of Science Elementary School teachers participated in the summer institute. The event was full of training, team building, and fun! We also celebrated our outstanding teachers and staff at SANY, no matter how long they have been here! We are so excited to be back to school!
Thursday, June 23rd, 2022—On the last day of school, it is a tradition at Syracuse Academy of Science elementary school for teachers and staff to line the parking lots and wave goodbye to all the students.
We hope all of the Atoms are having a wonderful summer vacation. We look forward to welcoming them back to school in a few short weeks. Keep your eyes peeled for the back-to-school lists, uniform ordering reminders, and open houses.
Thursday, June 23rd, 2022—School may be out for summer, but we are flashing back to the last day of the 2021 - 2022 school year! Syracuse Academy of Science middle school students celebrated the last day of school in style by wearing their class shirts and participating in both indoor and outdoor games. From water balloon activities to Kan Jam, to Giant Jenga to arts and crafts, there was fun to be had (and memories to make) with friends and classmates.
Friday, June 3rd, 2022—It looks like we have some fashion experts' in the midst, as the Syracuse Academy of Science elementary schools students 'Dress to Impress' for their Fun Friday theme.
To celebrate the last month of school, students had an opportunity to participate in the Fun Friday theme each Friday. For Dress to Impress, Atoms could dress in their favorite outfits highlighting their unique styles. In true Atoms fashion, everyone looked absolutely radiant.
Wednesday, June 15th, 2022—It was a beautiful day for a Field Day. In mid-June, Syracuse Academy of Science held its annual Field Day event to celebrate all the students' hard work and success this school year. Students in each grade level wore their specific color when participating in this annual event.
This outdoor celebration included games, activities, bounce houses, face painting, relay races, and more, allowing the students to beat the heat and spend time with their friends and classmates. No field day is ever complete without a cookout and outdoor picnic. Thank you, Ms. Robinson, for grilling up some delicious hot dogs for the Atoms to enjoy!
While this day was a blast for the Atoms, who said Field Days were only for the students? To conclude this annual event, teachers, faculty, and staff had their own fun with a mini water balloon fight! This was the perfect way to end an incredible year with the Atoms.
We want to take this moment to thank all of our teachers, faculty, and staff who helped make this Field Day event possible and our parent volunteers who came out to enjoy the day and helped out too!
We hope our Atoms are having an incredible summer. We look forward to seeing you in a few short weeks! Please click here to visit our Facebook page for additional pictures of the Syracuse Academy of Science elementary school Field Day event.
Friday, May 27th, 2022—Before we get ready to introduce this next event, let’s give the Syracuse Academy of Science elementary school students some snaps! In May, the Atoms were busy learning all about poetry including its various types and styles. To conclude their unit, students were tasked with creating a poem of their very own written in whichever style they preferred for a Poetry Slam competition. The winners of the poetry slam would be selected to read their poem aloud for the whole school to hear during the morning announcements.
We invite you to please click here to listen to the three Poetry Slam winners!
Friday, May 27th, 2022—One of the many benefits of working with SANY is allowing teachers, faculty, and staff to pursue and help them with their education dreams.
As we dedicate this ‘Flashback Friday’ to our Syracuse Academy of Science elementary school teachers and Dean of Elementary, we want to thank them for all their hard work throughout the year. This year, Mrs. Miller, Ms. Fogarty, and Ms. Crouse completed their Master's Degrees at Mercy College.
Please join us in congratulating our teachers and the Dean of Elementary! We are all so proud of you and all that you accomplished.
- Atoms Participate in the End-Of-Year Academic Fair
- 4th-Grade Atoms are Middle School Bound!
- Atoms Bend It Like Beckham During Soccer Match
- It’s ‘DAD-ication’ time on this Throwback Thursday
- Creativity is on Full Display at Art Show
- Congratulations to the Class of 2022
- SAS HS Hosts its Spring Concert and Art Show
- Happy Independence Day, Atoms!
- Ready. Set. Play Dodgeball 7th-Grade Atoms!
- Senior Spotlight - Tahirah Abdul-Qadir