Tuesday, June 23, 2020—Yep, socially distant home visits are still a thing. ✔️ Mr. Cetin, Mrs. Mathis, and Ms. Obrist visited 6th and 7th grade Atoms to wish them a safe and happy summer. Now THAT is building success one Atom at a time. ☀️
Tuesday, June 23, 2020—Despite the global shutdown—the learning, hard-work, and perseverance of our students didn't stop. It was obvious to us that the celebrations shouldn't stop either. Please join us in celebrating the Kindergarten Graduation and 4th Grade Moving up Ceremony. Staff, students, and families exchanged waves, air hugs and goodbyes, bringing closure to a remarkable school year. Visit our Facebook Page for the full album.
Monday, June 29, 2020—The time has come for our final Student of the Month Ceremony for the 2019-2020 school year. The character trait for June was Integrity. ??? We are so proud of all of our students, families, and staff this year for working so hard and making the most of a difficult and uncharted situation! Hopefully our next ceremony will be in school, where we are meant to be! ⚛️︎?⚛️︎❤️⚛️︎
Thursday, June 25, 2020—Congratulations to all the #SASCS 4th graders! Your hard work, perseverance, and dedication will ensure you do great things in middle school. We will miss you, and can't wait to see all that you accomplish in the coming years. Go Atoms!
Wednesday, June 24, 2020—What a year! To the #Classof2020 we want to let you know that we are proud of you. We are impressed by your resilience during this pandemic. We are grateful for the time we shared at #SASCS. Most importantly, we are excited to see what the future has in store for you. Once an Atom, Always an Atom.
Tuesday, June 24, 2020—Musicians from all over the world joined the Syracuse Academy of Science High School Band and music teacher Lexi Carlson to record their instrument’s part for Pomp and Circumstance in order to create a graduation song that today’s seniors will remember.
Friday, June 19, 2020—“The function of freedom is to free someone else.”
— Toni Morrison, commencement address at Barnard College
Juneteenth is the commemoration of the end of slavery in the United States. The origins of the commemoration date back to June 19th, 1865, when enslaved African Americans in Galveston, Texas first heard that the Civil War had ended, and they were free. Juneteenth gets its name from a combination of June and nineteenth and is also known as Black Independence Day, Juneteenth Independence Day, and Emancipation Day.
The Science Academies of New York, in accordance with Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order marking Juneteenth as a holiday for state workers, will celebrate the holiday in accordance with the state moving forward. We are committed to building a better future based on peace, justice, equity, and equality for all.
Monday, June 15, 2020—Move over, Monet. The #SASCS elementary portfolio is live. Thank you, Ms. A-B, for putting together an amazing portfolio of student work grades K-4. Want to see more of your students' artwork? Check out their artsonia portfolio.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020—Did you miss any of the SANY College Guidance Workshops? Don't sweat it! We saved all of the content for you on our YouTube channel. Topics include academics, extracurriculars, applications, financial-aid, and more.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020—"Given everything that is going on in society today, how are you feeling?" This powerful prompt was given by the #SASCS Middle School ELA teachers, and seventh grader Zy'Kerra rose to the occasion. Her response to the assignment is an original rap, and we think you should hear it. We applaud Zy'Kerra , and all the members of our community, for taking a stand. Let us unite to build a better future based on peace, justice, and equality for all. #BlackLivesMatter