7th Grade Merit Breakfast at the Middle School

On Wednesday, February 8th, 2017 the Middle School held its 7th grade Merit Breakfast. Students who have exceeded positive 20 total score were invited to enjoy the meal as a thank you from administration and staff for their positive choices. Students enjoyed scrambled eggs, turkey sausage, hash browns, and bagels. Staff members were on hand to sit and enjoy the event with our students. Our goal at SAS is to help create wonderful, well-rounded young adults and events such as these are to celebrate the positive choices of the students who attended. Keep up the great work ATOMS!


Click here to see pictures of Merit Breakfast

2017 Charter School Advocacy Day

On Tuesday, February 7th, 2017, a group of staff, parents, and students from the SAS family went to Albany for the NYS Charter School Advocacy Day. The intention of this event was to showcase SAS and other charters in NYS and to help build new relationships with those that create the laws that govern our schools. In addition, We sought  to enhance the long-standing partnerships with the many lawmakers that have supported the amazing work done at SAS and other charters. The group was led by our amazing administration team that was represented by Dr. Kocak (School Director), Mr. Cetin (Assistant Director), Mr. Yavuz (Dean of the Middle School) and Mrs. Smith (Dean of the Elementary School).  They were joined by nine of our dedicated parent partners with right students ranging from grades 2 through 10 as well as Mr. Carter a teacher from the Middle School.

What was our goal? Well, outside of the demonstration of what makes SAS great, we sought to describe what equitable funding could mean to their schools and futures! Many do not realize that charter schools only receive a fraction per pupil of what traditional public schools receive. As the per student amounts of aid have risen for traditional public schools, charter school funding have been frozen for many years. These issues combined with the unsubsidized building costs that charter school face diminish our potential. In addition, the state cap on charter enrollment makes it difficult for us to share our strengths with the community.  Even with these circumstances, the accomplishments of SAS are amazing. Our graduation, college readiness, and college acceptance rates are things that any school should be proud of. 

Our group met directly with Assemblywoman Pamela Hunter and Assemblyman William Magnarelli. The senior staff of Senator John Defrancisco and Senator Valesky met with our group to hear our concerns as these representatives were in chamber.  These dedicated public servants listened to our staff, parents, and students talk about what it is to be at SAS and how our student-centered approach has yielded great results! As more and more lawmakers see what we have accomplished, we hope to make funding for SAS equitable with traditional public schools and present even more opportunities for our amazing students to shine bright! Go ATOMS!

#SASAtoms #SASCS #NYS #CharterSchool #AdvocacyDay

Click here to see pictures of 2017 NYS Charter School Advocacy Day

SAS Middle School goes back to the Ultimate Goal for a Special Event

On Monday, February 6th, 2017 the Middle School took a special field trip to the Ultimate Goal in Marcellus, NY. The special aspect of this field trip was that it was a reward for students who have eclipsed a total merit/demerit score of positive 70. There are many great adjectives that could describe the students who reach this goal. Adjectives such as respectful, generous, and hardworking. It is our goal at SAS to mold both great students and great citizens and events such as this reward the many positive choices of our students. Keep reaching for the stars ATOMS!


Click here to see pictures of Ultimate Goal Field Trip

Monthly Olweus Classroom Meeting at the Middle School

On Wednesday, February 1st, 2017 the SAS middle school students held their monthly anti-bully classroom meeting with their 6th period teachers. The topic of the meeting was respect. They discussed ways that they could show respect both in person and online, how important it is to treat others with respect and talks about how respect and preventing bullying are connected. The idea was for them to have a better understanding how they can show respect in all facets of their lives. These meetings are a part of our continual effort to bring bullying out of the shadows in order to promote a safe, comfortable environment for all of our students.


Click here to see pictures of Monthly Olweus Meetings

SAS Elementary Donates Food to Local Food Pantry

SAS Elementary hosted a winter food drive to collect canned and non-perishable food items from January 9-31, 2017. This was organized as a class competition whereby the class who donated the most food would earn a dress down day. Altogether, the school collected 895 items that were donated to a local food pantry! The top classes were Ms. Figueroa and Ms. McGrath with 108 cans, Mrs. Cusano and Mrs. Styborski with 109 cans, Mrs. Murdie and Ms. Sayles with 126 cans, and Ms. Peryea and Ms. Gielarowski with 151 cans! We are so impressed by the generosity of our SAS families!


Click here to view pictures from this event.

Kindergarten goes bowling at Revolutions

There were many reasons the kindergarten classes benefited from going on a bowling field trip to Revolutions. When the classes arrived, the students had to wait as their teachers got them their bowling shoes and set them up at their lanes. There were 5-6 students at each lane, so they had to take turns and wait as each of their peers took their turn. While one student went, the other students could be heard cheering each other on and encouraging them that they could do it. In addition, the students were able to use a “dinosaur,” which helped them line up their ball to roll down the lane; they were required to share the two dinosaurs with the other students using the other lanes. By the end of the field trip, the students practiced taking turns, encouraging their peers, and sharing, all of which are characteristics that the kindergarten classes have been talking about in the classroom.


Click here to view pictures from this event.

Kindergarten has a blast at Billy Beez

The kindergarten field trip to Billy Beez was a great experience for everyone. It was not only a chance for the students to get a much deserved break from all of their hard work in the classroom, but it was also a great opportunity for the teachers to bond with their students. Everyone was like a kid at Billy Beez – we climbed through tunnels, went down slides, shot basketballs, and cheered each other on. It was amazing to see students encouraging their peers (and their teachers) as they were readying themselves to plunge down the steep slides; a great thing to see as we have been constantly reinforcing turn-taking and positivity in our classrooms. It was a blast!


Click here to view pictures from this event.

7th Grade Cultural Feast at the Middle School

On Friday, January 27th 2017, the SAS Middle School held the 7th grade Culture Feast. This event was held as a part of our culturally responsive lesson program. Parents were invited to join the event and bring a favorite family dish. Over 20 parents came to the school to break bread with students and staff members and to share food that is often present at important moments at home. Student artwork was on display throughout the meal.  Events such as this highlight the amazing diversity that we have at SAS. We look forward to making this event an annual event. Students, staff, and family members had an amazing time. See you next year!


Click here to see pictures of 7th Grade Cultural Feast

A "Taste" of Culture in the 7th Grade

On Tuesday, January 24th 2017, the 7th grade students of the SAS Middle school worked together to create cultural dishes such as sweet potato pie and Baklava. Baklava from turkish culture and sweet potato pie from African american culture.  Students enjoyed cultural around the world music as they were preparing their meals to create a culturally fulfilling environment. Students worked together as a team to put together the recipe  and create the dishes. For the math component students scaled the recipes down and were able to calculate the recipes in half sizes. Students were very excited and motivated to put their cooking skills to work as well as their ability to calculate and work as a team.  This experience was brought to the school by our Culturally Responsive Lesson Program.  This program accentuates and celebrates the amazing cultural diversity in our schools.


Click here to see pictures of Taste of Culture

3rd Grade Field Trip to Revolutions Bowling Alley

On Wednesday, January 18th, 2017, our third graders enjoyed some friendly competition at Revolutions Bowling Alley at Destiny USA. Students displayed extraordinary teamwork and sportsmanship. They cheered on their peers and gave plenty of encouragement to their friends regardless of their bowling scores. All of the students played fair, tried their best, and enjoyed some well-deserved fun!


Click here to see pictures from third grade's trip to Revolutions Bowling Alley


Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School is part of Science Academies of New York.

SAS Elementary School

4837 S. Salina St. Syracuse, NY 13205
Phone: 315-469-9404
Fax: 315-469-9408

SAS Middle School

200 West High Ter. Syracuse, NY 13219
Phone: 315-487-5986
Fax: 315-487-5824

SAS High School

1001 Park Ave. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-428-8997
Fax: 315-428-9109


1409 W Genesee St. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-671-5470
Fax: 315-671-5475


For transportation related questions, please call transportation department in the district you live.
SCSD Transportation: 315-435-4260